It is a legal requirement for a seafarer (defined as any person who is engaged in any capacity aboard a ship) to hold a valid medical certificate attesting to their medical fitness to perform their duties, taking into account the particular risks associated with working at sea. The medical examination and assessment is conducted in accordance with statutory medical standards set by the Secretary of State and overseen by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).
In order to work at sea, you must have an ENG 1 or an ML5 seafarer medical fitness certificate.
(Please note that ENG 1 seafarer medicals are only available at my London location.)
You need an ENG 1 certificate if you’re any of the following:​
a seafarer
in charge of a ship
serving on a merchant ship or yacht
An ENG 1 certificate must be issued by a doctor approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
You need an ML5 medical certificate if you’re:
the master of a passenger ship that does not go to sea (Class IV or V)
the master of a commercial vessel that does not go to sea
the master or a crew member of a small commercial vessel certificated for Area Category 2 to 6 (no more than 60 miles from a safe haven)
a crew member or anyone else (for example catering staff) who normally works on a domestic passenger ship (Class VI or VIA) that goes to sea